there is a teenage boy who works at my neighborhood wegmans who is the spitting image of my friend joshua, circa 2000. seriously. i saw this boy last nite, and 20-year-old me swooned, slightly, from within - all the while being careful not to knock over his recently constructed display of soup cans. the current 28-year-old me immediately felt old and wistful [and slightly inappropriate,] thinking back to the days of really awful cinema class projects, a cappella concerts and last-minute study sessions for such epic classes as 'the history of ireland'. we have gone on to [mildly] bigger and [sporadically] better things, which is to say that we graduated and now have full-time, paying jobs. seeing this slightly dorky, albeit completely adorable boy in his grocery store apron reminded me of how much has happened in the past 8 or so years, how different our lives have become. i wanted to tell him, "hey. i know you in the future. you go on to do some good things. don't be frustrated with the soup-stocking. also? get a haircut. it'll take you a few years to realize that shorter is better; i'm giving you the heads-up."
it would have been nice, at 18, to get a visit from future me. i would have acquired a hair straightener much earlier in life.
kendall and ciro are [finally] married! college nostalgia was in full-force this weekend, apparently. pictures from the weekend are up on my flickr page. the weekend was full of love, happiness, food, errand-running, nail-painting, hair-twisting, double-sided tape, make-up application, potential drama, actual drama and, above all, lots and lots of picture taking. and booze.* i can't speak for everyone, but i can say that i saw nearly no sad faces that day. you always wonder if the actual day will be a rightful culmination of all the planning, stress and anxiety. well -- this one was that and so much more. i can't imagine having had a better time, or the two of them having any bigger smiles on their newly-wedded faces. bliss, personified.
*this wedding was brought you by budweiser, grey goose, orange juice, champagne and not nearly enough water.