shoe of the day...

shoe of the day...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

a long night's journey to find my keys

those of you who know me even marginally well probably know that i have really not-so-great carma. if there is a problem with an automobile, chances are i've had it happen to me. and they're usually really, really absurd situation. i think it started about 4 years ago on a trip to binghamton to visit katie -- i was driving on route 81 when the car in front of me, which was towing a boat, lost the bumper of said boat, which i then proceeded to drive over, giving myself two flat tires in the process. numerous flat tires [one on st. patrick's day as i nursed my shamrock shake on the way to work; one driving myself and jimmy home from a movie] and car maladies [dropped my engine on route 81 -- again, visiting katie, who is clearly a harbinger of car doom; had my car towed from various locations, including the driveway of my sister's house the night we returned from vacation] followed over the years. when i purchased my current car in may things started to look up [that nonstart after vacation the only wrinkle] - my mother even commented on the change in luck.

all of those good vibes went out the window on sunday night when i lost my keys somewhere between my car -- which was parked at the foot of the driveway -- and my kitchen.

jennifer and i had just returned from shopping, picking up some odds and ends for christmas. as i put the car into park, i clipped my car keys onto my key hook. we unloaded our bags from the trunk of the foci, put her bags in her car -- parked directly in front of mine in the driveway -- locked my car with my remote, and trudged through the snow into the house to unload the rest. upon entering the kitchen, i stood in the same spot for the next ten minutes so as not to track snow into the house - moving only to unhook my nephew from his highchair. i went out to start my sister's car as she bundled up the bebes. we then took them out and put them in the car, and i went to start my car in order to change places with them as they left. problem: no car keys on key hook. the following events happened over the next 12 hours:

  • i searched the surrounding outside area for dropped keys
  • i searched the path from my car into the house for dropped keys
  • i searched the kitchen for the dropped keys
  • we searched the bags of recently purchased wares
  • we searched pockets
  • we searched the basket where the keys are kept
  • i may or may not have cried
  • i may or may not have threatened to move to a city that relies on mass transportation
  • my brother-in-law was enlisted to drive his car over, to transplant the car seats, and to take the family home, as their car was blocked
  • my niece became excited as she thought this meant there would be a sleepover [next time, o, i promise]
  • AAA was called
  • a very frustrating, and ultimately worthless, phone call with the operator ensued
  • i may or may not have downed a glass of wine, even though i was warned that drinking while upset would lead me to become an alcoholic
  • i may or may not have eaten three large cubes of cheese
  • three hours later, the tow truck showed -- confused by my inability to unlock the car [see: worthless phone call with AAA operator]
  • cookies were given to tow truck operator for not acknowledging the absurdity of the situation, and for not being an a-hole as it was below freezing that evening
  • car was successfully towed to mechanic
  • thinking that my keys were at the dealership, i called and left a rambling, semi-coherent message on their answering machine
  • went to bed
  • woke up around six-thirty
  • called dealership, gave a rambling and semi-coherent account of the situation to the service department
  • was told they don't unlock personnel files for another two hours
  • had an EPIPHANY!
  • thought: when did i last see my spare key?
  • thought: in montreal, this summer
  • thought: what purse did i bring with me to montreal?
  • went to closet, found orange polka-dot tote bag
  • found spare key in pocket
  • i may or may not have felt like a moron
  • called dealership, explained resolution to absurd situation
  • called sister, explained resolution to absurd situation
  • went to mechanic, explained resolution to absurd situation
  • told him that an unidentified car found in the lot on a given morning probably belonged to me
  • went to work, explained resolution to absurd situation
i may or may not still feel like a moron.

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