shoe of the day...

shoe of the day...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

runaway stains.

i got to work this morning thinking it was a good day. i have no reason to think this other than (a) it was free iced coffee day at dunkin' donuts and (b) i did not lose a hubcap on the way to work. (reason (b) may not seem cause enough for elation, but i looked out the window last week while working job #2, spotted an hideous eye-sore of a vehicle in the parking lot, cracked a joke about it's vacation from the junkyard, only to realize - seconds later - that it was, in fact, my car. so, clearly, every day that i keep my three current hubcaps is a good day. and it was really early and i was caffeine-less so shut up about not recognizing my own car.)

so i'm at work. checking my email. drinking my decaf iced coffee. i look down at the keyboard and notice that my shirt of choice is sporting two rather large, amoeba-esque shaped stains of unknown origin. this is upsetting for two reasons; reason one: i have plans after work and no time to change. reason two: this shirt is dry-clean only. how did this happen? the following conversation ensued via email with a friend of mine:

kc: morning to you.
jl: anything good?
kc: not at all. you?
jl: nope. although, i just looked down at my shirt and found two spots that i don't ever remember seeing. not cool.
kc: haha, i hate when that happens. i am soooo freaking tired.
jl: me too.
kc: can't deal.
jl: watch idol?
kc: nope.
jl: am really bothered by these spots <<attaches picture of spots>>
kc: haha, i can see that. i can't really tell what i'm looking at in this pic though.
jl: can't you see the spots?
kc: not sure.
jl: <<attaches new picture of spots, encircled a la the commentators from monday night football>>
kc: hahaha, you have a stain telestrator.
jl: YES.
kc: hee hee, that's a little crazy.

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