shoe of the day...

shoe of the day...

Friday, April 27, 2007

carrot sticks of beratement.

nadia and i signed up for the 'self challenge' -- run by self magazine -- in january.
whoever does their internet marketing is on the ball because we receive no less than 4 emails per week with subject lines that read "welcome to week 9 of the self challenge" or "how to serve up the perfect turkey burger" and "an easy way to eat your veggies" (i found that one a bit, um, OBVIOUS.) this would all be well and good had we actually participated in the self challenge, you know, at all. now we feel as though we're being stalked. maybe as punishment. maybe this is how they do it at fat camp. i don't know. i did, however, receive the following email last monday:

"lose the bun with this leafy treat"

now, i'm fairly certain they intended the dual meaning of "lose the bun" (it's actually a recipe for chicken salad - meh - wrapped in lettuce.)
in which case: bravo, self.

but still.

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