shoe of the day...

shoe of the day...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

it's the sanjaya effect.

so as i walked into spot coffee this morning i tripped on some random metal spike attached to a mailbox, fell flat on my face and ripped a big ol' hole in my sneaker. the barista who served me clearly witnessed the event, most likely as i was audibly/loudly cursing said mailbox.

also, kurt vonnegut died. not cool, universe.
also, someone keeps (obnoxiously, incessantly) ringing the office doorbell.
also, there have been two sightings of men wearing orange pants. this is not noteworthy, just fashionably inappropriate. and mean to people with eyes. and people without eyes, as their heightened senses would no doubt alert them to the heinous nature of this act.

best day ever?
it's in the running.

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