shoe of the day...

shoe of the day...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

at the movies

i'm not doing so well with this here resolution, it seems. i completely forgot to write something yesterday -- although, i wore the same boots again, so in terms of shoes it would have been a wash. and i'm just getting this post in under the wire. lame. and apparently, according to my sister, my first post of 2009 was, "kind of boring." hmm. this year has kind of gotten off to a slow start, i guess. i sent nondate packing back to florida on saturday for a couple of months. that was less than fantastic. i did, however, take olivia to see 'bolt' this past weekend -- so that was a much needed highlight. she's been my movie-going buddy since she was nearly two, and is most definitely the most well-behaved kid i have ever encountered in a movie theater -- hands down. she doesn't yell or cry or whine. she is conscious of the fact that there are other people in the theater and doesn't distract them or look to be distracted. she brings excellent snacks. maybe it's because we scared the pants off of her when we took her to see 'wallace & grommit: curse of the were-rabbit' [the only movie, i am proud to say, we've ever had to leave mid-way through. and mostly because she was not quite two-years-old and covetous of the popcorn she couldn't yet eat.] we've seen countless films together; she has progressed from sitting on the 'silly seats' [actual movie theater seats that flip up/down], to sitting on my lap, and back to sitting on the theater seats. we've seen both pixar films that have been released in her lifetime ['ratatouille' and 'wall-e' -- the latter of which we saw twice], a number of not-bad animated features ['kung fu panda', 'madagascar '] and one classic ['snow white & the seven dwarfs']. i'm trying to teach her to have discerning tastes when it comes to choosing which film to see; that not everything that animated is going to be good. for example, we purposely avoided 'alvin & the chipmunks.' for a number of reasons, most of which involved cartoon rodents eating [literal] crap. we marveled at 'enchanted' -- later a favorite when purchased on dvd. we talk about each film we see both leading up to it and in the car on the way home. we comment on trailers for new films, which ones we plan on seeing and which ones look less than promising. going to the movies with olivia has become one of my favorite activities. i often sneak a glance at her while she's watching the film and am overwhelmed by the sheer joy displayed on her face. it is quite the beautiful sight to behold. we were chatting about 'bolt' on the way home from the theater last week, her telling me about her favorite characters and scenes and after a slight pause she said, "...and i can't WAIT to see 'desperaux'."


i wore my black, patent flats today. super sale at target. the second pair i'm on, actually, of this particular shoe. i often consider buying them in bulk. someday.


Lindsay said...

This is really sweet and kinda funny considering Olivia is, what, four? Five? I know you're doing good aunt-ing (not a real word) and she'll remember these times with you fondly. :)

Anonymous said...

Excellent blog - that Olivia sounds like a HOOT and just a fabulous gal.